Contemporary medical acupuncture combines information from traditional acupuncture and modern biomedical knowledge. Functional dry needling combines the use of intramuscular needling with identified movement dysfunction.
Sterile needles are inserted into specific points on the body; often, electrical stimulation is added to the needles to increase therapeutic effect. The points are chosen based on the neuroanatomy of the areas of pain or musculoskeletal dysfunction. Traditional points are used as well as functional points such as tight bands of tissue and trigger points.
- Stimulates nerve function to muscles, joints, blood vessels and organs.
- Stimulates circulation to promote healing.
- Decreases pain by stimulating production of opioid peptides such as endorphin and enkephalin.
- Improves muscle function in ‘weak’ or ‘tight’ muscles.
Is acupuncture/dry needling safe?
Acupuncture/dry needling is generally very safe. Serious side effects are very rare – less than one per 10,000 treatments. Acupuncture/dry needling is used to alleviate pain and improve function.
Does acupuncture/dry needling have side effects?
- Drowsiness occurs after treatment in a small number of patients.
- Minor bleeding or bruising occurs after acupuncture in about 3% of treatments.
- Pain during treatment occurs in about 1% of treatments.
- Existing symptoms may temporarily worsen after treatment.
- Fainting can occur in certain patients, particularly at the first treatment.
Acupuncture/dry needling in conjunction with manual therapy and exercise progression is effective in facilitating your return to daily function and physical performance.